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Flute lessons


Thomas is available to teach private lessons to all levels (from beginner to advanced) and all ages.  Online lessons are offered via skype or zoom or can be arranged in person.  There are several options to lesson lengths; these being 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 60 minutes. 90 minutes are also offered now for dedicated students, who are preparing for auditions, concerts or competitions. Students who are just beginning to learn the instrument are advised to begin with 30 minute lessons, whereas anyone else would benefit from a longer lesson. Weekly lessons are strongly encouraged for optimal improvement, but biweekly lessons can also be arranged.


30 minutes= $37.50


45 minutes= $51.00


60 minutes= $65.00


90 minutes= $85.00


There will also be a small travel charge of $7.50 for any in person lessons outside of my studio.


Ensemble fee=$80.00


Concepts that will be explored during flute lessons with Thomas:


   -Tone production


   -Articulation (such as single, double and triple tonguing)


   -Technique (through scales, arpeggios and weekly studies)


   -Body alignment and hand posture




Studio policies


-Lessons are to be paid by the first of the month (unless we have a different prior agreement)


-48 hour cancellation policy: I will need 48 hours notice before the start of the lesson to cancel a lesson. Otherwise, I will still have to charge for the lesson (and then that lesson will not be rescheduled). I do understand that last minute sickness or emergencies do come up. In that case I am more than happy to reschedule the lesson at another time.


-rescheduled lessons have to occur within the same month (or next week if it occured at the end of the month)


Piccolo lessons


Lessons on the piccolo are also offered. The piccolo, as the smallest member of the flute family, can be quite tricky to play with a beautiful sound and in tune. In these lessons, we will focus on the required embouchure, tuning, alternate fingerings and vibrato.



Theory lessons


Private and group lessons are offered. They can be beneficial for anyone who wants to take part of any RCM exam for which theory exams are a pre-requisite. Also super helpful, for any other student to help broaden their knowledge of music and therefore become a more well balanced musician.


Elementary Rudiments: For an individual with no prior music theory knowledge (can be completely new to music or have been playing/ singing for a while). Learn how to read music in the treble and bass clefs, accidentals, stem directions, relative value of notes and rests, major and minor scales up to 4 flats or sharps, naming the key of a melody and triads.

Grade 6-7 RCM level course:  For an individual who has studied the basics of music theory, or has been playing music for at least a couple of years.  Learn how chords function, transposition, major and minor scales, intervals, cadences and melody writing.



Music History/ Appreciation Course


Are you a musician who wants to learn more about Music History by learning about the different time periods? Are you curious about what exactly makes a Sonata a Sonata, how the Fugue is constructed or why the instrumentation of the modern symphony is the way it is? This course is just a brief preview into Western Traditional music starting with the middle ages and ending in the 21st century. We will learn about the major events that shaped the music of the time, who the most prolific composers were and listen to some of their musical examples to better understand the above mentioned concepts. It is perfect for the serious amateur adult musician who wants to develop their interpretation skills or the dedicated high school student that needs help preparing for music exams. Basic understanding of music theory would be greatly beneficial but is not a necessity. The course will run 22 weeks on zoom.

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